As a child, my Nana would take out her tea cup collection for use at special family dinners. No two were the same, and we could choose which cup we would like to use. I remember feeling very grown up to be trusted with something so beautiful and delicate. My first forays in glass were bowls and bottles, but I was always thinking back to those tea cups. I’d been taught that you should always try to make the ordinary extraordinary. Form, line, color, and pattern are all very important to me. The way those things come together in a tea pot is really quite extraordinary.

14.5” h x 16.25”l x 13”d. 2019
Blown and flame-worked glass. I work with a gaffer-my husband Marc Petrovic to make the birds which are blown in the hot shop.

14.5” h x 16.25”l x 13”d. 2019
Blown and flame-worked glass. I work with a gaffer-my husband Marc Petrovic to make the birds which are blown in the hot shop.